Continue Reading What You Need to Know if Youre a Diabetic Traveler

Traveling for piece of work or pleasure — within one country or across the earth — is one of the most adventurous, memorable, educational, and fun experiences life has to offer.

For a person with diabetes, traveling tin also be incredibly stressful, overwhelming, downright scary, and at times even dangerous.

Packing plenty supplies, keeping your insulin safe from farthermost temperatures, juggling insulin around new foods, dealing with blood sugar issues from jetlag and sleep deprivation, and trying to get everything that keeps you lot live through every security checkpoint isn't easy!

Just nosotros tin't allow diabetes stop u.s. from seeing the earth — or from simply visiting your sis afterwards she moves halfway across the country.

In this article, we'll discuss need-to-know tips and precautions to have when traveling equally a person with diabetes.

Traveling with Diabetes: Everything You Need to Know

How to fix for traveling with diabetes

While our not-diabetic family unit and friends can spontaneously hop on a flight to go skiing for 3 days at their uncle's empty chalet in Vail, Colorado, those of us with diabetes could be putting a lot at take a chance in trade for spontaneity.

Here are a few crucial means to prepare for whatever blazon of travel with diabetes:

Get actress insulin, pump supplies, test strips, and a new prescription.

What's even more stressful than running out of insulin in the middle of Barcelona? Trying to get a prescription for more insulin in the middle of Barcelona.

Then, if you're traveling for more than just a day or two, ask your doctor for a prescription (on paper) for your insulin and test strips.

Some gorging travelers will suggest you bring twice every bit much insulin as y'all expect yous'll need or an unabridged week's worth of extra supplies. Others will advise bringing at to the lowest degree one extra vial (or ii pens) of every insulin and medication you'll need.

Remember, on your way dwelling house your unabridged flight might go canceled for ii days because of a wintertime blizzard! Traveling means giving up control over many variables. Be prepared.

This means packing extra:

  • Insulin
  • Non-insulin injectable medications
  • Oral medications
  • Test strips
  • Lancets
  • Syringes or pen needles
  • Batteries for your meter or pump
  • Pump supplies
  • CGM sensors
  • Glucose tabs (for whenever food isn't hands available)

The longer your trip is, the more imperative this is.

Three days in Colorado is a much different hazard than three weeks in London. Simply either scenario poses the take a chance of not getting home in time, eating far more than carbs than usual which ways using your insulin and supplies more chop-chop, potential changes in your insulin needs because of altitude, stress, jet-lag, and being off your usual routine.

And when nosotros're in new situations eating new foods, and often walking far more than than usual, we tend to demand to cheque our blood sugar more oft to compensate for all of those variables. If you usually use 3 to 4 strips per solar day, yous could hands current of air up using 6 to viii when you're running effectually in the sunshine in Central West!

Also, call back, merely because you swallow low-carb at home and barely apply xx or thirty units of insulin per day doesn't hateful you won't indulge in the local crepes, gelato, pizza, and lasagna while visiting Rome! Bringing enough insulin with you means having the freedom to explore and experience more of what your travels offer.

If you lot utilize an insulin pump…

Information technology is imperative that pump users bring one or two vials or pens of long-acting insulin with y'all when you travel.

The moment your pump malfunctions or smashes on the flooring during your bad-mannered cruise-ship site-alter is the moment yous will face up life or expiry if you lot don't have long-interim insulin with you.

You don't know what will happen. Bring long-interim insulin no matter what! And make sure you talk to your doctor almost what dose to accept should you need to use it.

Get a doctor's note.

The amount of pushback you lot could become at any type of security checkpoint (airports, train stations, museums, etc.) can vary significantly depending on the country, particular location, individual security guards, screening technology, recent events around the globe threatening public condom, etc.

Merely considering y'all've never had problem passing a box of syringes, pump supplies, and vials of insulin through security in Chicago doesn't mean it'll exist that easy in Paris, Tokyo, or San Diego.

To ensure all of your diabetes supplies stay with you, ask your chief care md for a printed and signed notation with the medical role'southward letterhead.

This notation should country that you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, any other significant medical conditions, and a clear list of the medical equipment and food you need to keep with you at all times to keep yourself healthy and alive.

Getting through TSA with your diabetes gear

Yous may also desire to use that notation to avert being forced to walk through security screen applied science like X-rays — or to avoid having your CGM or insulin pump put on the scanner.

It is your right to decline walking through any security technology and to cull a "pat down" instead.

While the TSA claims this technology will have no sick-effects on common diabetes gear, some are doubtful , and the manuals usually propose you lot shouldn't . If you don't want to take the hazard, be sure to have a medico's annotation handy and then yous can keep your lifesaving diabetes gear in your hands at all times.

Y'all should also expect a TSA personnel will "wipe" whatever medication containers and devices with a product that helps them place chancy textile (drugs, explosives, etc.). There'south no way effectually this and there's really no reason to worry virtually it harming your diabetes supplies.

These security checkpoints are designed to keep united states all safer — so the more we can cooperate, the ameliorate. Only don't hesitate to speak upwardly for yourself if you feel you or your diabetes needs and supplies are being disrespected.

Tip: people with diabetes are exempt from the 3.4 oz. liquid dominion for medicines, fast-acting carbs like juice, and gel packs to keep insulin absurd. However, not all TSA personnel volition be enlightened of this and so it'south best just to bring liquids if absolutely necessary.

Never pack your diabetes supplies in your suitcase or checked-luggage.

This is important. Never e'er put all of your diabetes supplies into the suitcase or bag you plan to check at the gate.

Here'southward why:

They might lose your bag.

If the airline loses your bag completely or it takes four days to get it dorsum to y'all, you lose all of those supplies. Yikes! Enough said.

Temperatures will vary: extremely hot or extremely cold.

Y'all have no thought what the temperature will be in any of the locations those bags are stored. Also hot or too cold tin can easily destroy insulin, medication, test strips, sensors, or the adhesive of your infusion set. Go on these items with you at all times!

Tip: You can use a Medangel sensor to get a notification on your telephone if your insulin is getting too hot or cold.

Speaking of extreme temperatures, consider getting a Frio pack if you know you're traveling somewhere really hot. Frio packs are activated by dipping them in water and will protect the temperature environs of your insulin. They vary in size and toll! (And remember, practisenot leave your diabetes supplies in a very hot or cold car! Ever!)

People steal.

Information technology may non happen often but it does happen. Numberless are unzipped, rifled through, and quickly tossed aside. Either they have your valuable-looking bag of medicals goods or it gets carelessly thrown into a dark corner. Either way, no expert!

Food to treat lows may be hard to find.

You cannot await to always be able to buy food to care for low claret sugars. Keeping a total container of glucose tabs with yous while traveling ensures you lot'll never struggle to adequately treat a low. (Always had a low in the centre of the nighttime while staying in a hotel room? Trying to search for quarters to buy something in the vending automobile with a 50 mg/dL? Non fun.)

Pack your diabetes supplies in your carry-on and go on information technology with you at all times. Treat that bag like it'southward your newborn baby. Don't put your infant on the X-ray chugalug, don't permit other people look it over without your consent and close observation, and practice not put your baby in a suitcase and paw it off to full strangers!

Find your medical ID

Tin you lot call up the concluding time you wore a medical ID? I'm not very good at wearing mine either, but when traveling and surrounded by people who don't know you, information technology could be lifesaving. Get i if you don't have i. Wear i if you do!

You can get not bad medical ID for diabetes a Lauren's Promise.

Get travel insurance

Local healthcare rules and costs vary profoundly from land to country. Always make sure that you lot are covered in case you lot have to utilize the local healthcare organisation.

Bring your ain food for the aeroplane, railroad train, or motorbus.

Airports are certainly trying harder these days to offering healthier things, just paying $12 for a pre-packaged salad seems a scrap silly. And let's be honest, that salad isn't going to be peculiarly fresh or flavorful.

Here are five tips when it comes to nutrition while traveling:

Pack a diverseness of Ziplock bags with things like basics, crackers, carrots, apple tree, roasted chickpeas, rice cake with peanut butter, and a few of your favorite poly peptide bars. Airdrome security will always let well-independent food items through the checkpoint. Just remember that you lot cannot bring liquids, and yous'll likely need to spend $vii on a bottle of water once you're past the TSA screening.

Don't fall for mindless eating or stress-eating simply because you're traveling. Traveling tin can be stressful and/or quite boring. It's easy to mindlessly entertain yourself with nutrient. Offset your travels with the intention that you will not utilise food as a distraction or comfort today — there are far too many junk-food temptations in an airport.

Become up and walk around instead. You don't take to sit down there twiddling with your phone and resisting the urge to eat a giant purse of M$Ms. Get up and walk! Airports are great for walking. If you take a lot of bags with you, this could exist tricky, just if not, take reward of the opportunity to movement before being stuck on the airplane for the side by side 4 hours.

Utilise the twenty-four hour period to practice intermittent fasting. Air-travel days are a great opportunity for a long day of fasting. You'll nevertheless need to bank check your claret carbohydrate often and you'll likely need a unit of measurement of fast-acting insulin here or at that place to compensate for your liver's glycogen output since yous're not eating. Otherwise, fasting can eliminate near of the stress around trying to eat healthy while traveling.

*Read more than about intermittent fasting with diabetes.

If you lot practise eat at an airport restaurant… be smart and creative when ordering your nutrient. If you want to apply a 24-hour interval at the airdrome as an excuse to treat yourself to a giant Wendy's chocolate shake, that's totally up to you. If you'd like to avoid that kind of selection, be specific with adjustments like "bandy the rice for lettuce" at Mexican places, throw out the bun and just eat the burger patty, get a salad with steak instead of the steak and potatoes, etc. Y'all have control over what ends upwardly on your plate and what ends upward in your rima oris. Apply that power for your ain skilful!

How traveling with diabetes can cause abnormal high and low blood sugars

When traveling somewhere across the land or to another state, it's very possible you'll need more insulin than usual. Don't freak out! This isn't necessarily a bad thing, information technology'due south just your body adjusting to things like a different distance, timezone, activity level, food, and dehydration.

Permit's take a closer await at these variables.

Loftier Altitudes

If y'all live somewhere that isn't particularly well-known for its mountains and skiing options, you likely live in a lower altitude. If y'all then spend a week in the Rocky Mountains, Nepal , or even just Bedrock, Colorado, yous're going to encounter your blood sugars rise.

The only fashion to manage this is by increasing your groundwork insulin dose via your pump settings or long-acting insulin dose.

Oddly enough, your body actually doesn't breakdown and metabolize carbohydrates as efficiently when living in a high altitude part of the globe, and you'll experience overall increased insulin resistance. Talk to your healthcare team nearly potentially making a 20 percent (or more) increase in your background insulin dose prior to your trip.

Tip: Most claret saccharide meters volition actually bear witness lower values at higher altitudes, including when flying. This is considering they employ glucose-oxygenase methods, which are dependent on oxygen in the surrounding environs (and there is less oxygen the college you go). Be aware that your meter may testify values that are as much as ten-xv% lower than reality when flying.

Timezones (jet lag and slumber deprivation)

All of a sudden telling your torso to operate as though it's 3 hours earlier than usual is not an like shooting fish in a barrel request if you have insulin. Yous may notice some degree of insulin resistance because of increased cortisol and your body's overall struggle to accommodate for a day or 2 to this new schedule.

If the changes in timezone take also left you reasonably sleep-deprived, you might detect higher blood sugars and insulin resistance because of increased cortisol. This is a normal role of the human body that we simply take to manage as people with diabetes.

Jetlag can be pretty tedious if you have diabetes. The best mode to help compensate for it is to have a nap every bit soon as you can. Catching upward on sleep will reduce cortisol levels quickly.

If you use a pump, your healthcare squad will likely suggest you lot simply change the time on your pump to the timezone you've traveled to.

If you take long-interim insulin, you'll likely want to add together or subtract the fourth dimension of 24-hour interval and take your injection at that new time for the remainder of your trip. Or yous tin take your long-acting somewhere in the middle of your old timezone and your new timezone. Talk to your healthcare squad to determine what's correct for your trunk and medication regimen.

If yous're simply going to be in that new timezone for a day or two, you may detect information technology easier to non alter annihilation . Regardless, check your claret saccharide oftentimes during transitions like this!

Activity level

Large changes in your activity level while traveling is expected. If you're on a cruise ship, sitting by the puddle and drinking Pina Coladas all afternoon, you tin can await to need an increase in both your background and repast insulin doses.

If you're backpacking through Europe, y'all'll probably experience a lot of lows if yous don't quickly reduce your background insulin doses.

What if y'all're traveling to Denver, Colorado where the altitude will likely phone call for more than insulin just you're going to be hiking for v hours every twenty-four hours? This can get tricky. Sometimes you'll have to wait and encounter how things go for the starting time day or two before making any changes at all.

Check your blood sugar often, and approach changes in your insulin dose carefully, never making more than a total of 1 to 3 units increase or decrease in one twenty-four hour period unless otherwise instructed by your md.


Function of the joy and experience of traveling is the immersion into another civilisation — and that definitely includes trying that culture's unique foods! Maybe information technology's a Nutella crepe in France, fresh naan bread in India, or the freshest sushi you've ever tasted in Japan.

But considering you accept diabetes doesn't mean you can't try and bask new foods. Depending on how you manage diabetes (insulin, oral medications, or nutrition alone), yous may have to ready clear limits on how many loftier-carb foods you endeavour in 1 day.

(Here's a great guide to managing diabetes around traditional meals around the globe: Sweetness Trip's Travel Guides . Also, download CalorieKing on your phone to hands look-up carb-counts of new foods.)

Remember, if the food you're eating is both high-carb and loftier-fat, it will likely digest very slowly, which ways you'll demand to take some insulin when you're eating and another large dose a few hours later on eating. (Or you lot'll utilise the Foursquare or Wave bolus features on your pump.)

Also, if you're eating more carbohydrates overall, don't be surprised if you lot need an increase in your background insulin doses. Even a bump of ane or ii units total over the course of your mean solar day can assistance compensate for the extra glucose in your bloodstream from all those extra carbs.

You can as well inquire for a small refrigerator in your hotel room to aid store healthier items from the grocery store so y'all accept easy-to-grab options you're familiar with.

Remember, if you're traveling to a more rural part of the state, ask before assuming that whatsoever tap h2o is safe to drink!

Regardless, bank check your blood sugar oftentimes, conform as needed, and don't crush yourself upward for not getting it right the first time. New foods are never easy for a person with diabetes — especially if you take insulin. Do the all-time you tin can, keep yourself safety, and enjoy your trip!


It is very easy to become dehydrated while traveling or while visiting a new place. You're busy, doing new things, and probable non consuming equally much water equally usual.

But fifty-fifty balmy dehydration tin can have a pretty big bear upon on your blood sugar levels considering the less water there is in your tissues and bloodstream, the more than full-bodied the glucose in your blood becomes.

Dehydration can result from a variety of factors while traveling, including:

  • Hot, boiling climate (which can also burn glucose more quickly)
  • Hot, dry out weather
  • Not drinking enough fluid during the day
  • Eating foods high in sodium
  • Excessive sweating
  • Booze consumption (hello, prowl boat)
  • Air travel
  • Mental / emotional stress
  • Loftier Altitudes
  • Nutrient poisoning (get yourself to an ER immediately)
  • Repeated vomiting (whether it's a stomach bug or nutrient poisoning, people with diabetes should visit an ER to go intravenous fluids to preclude severe dehydration)

Getting enough water in your 24-hour interval equally a person with diabetes is extremely important. Get in a priority while traveling to spare yourself farther claret sugar management struggles.

Managing a medical emergency while traveling with diabetes

While we'd similar to recall everything will go smoothly, traveling ever comes with a diverseness of unpredictable events yous can't always control — and some of those include genuine medical emergencies.

If information technology's a state with a strange linguistic communication you don't speak…

The American Diabetes Association recommends getting this list of English-speaking foreign doctors from the International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers or calling 716-754 4883 for assistance during emergencies.

"If an emergency occurs while you're traveling and y'all don't take such a list," advises the ADA, "contact the American Consulate, American Limited, or local medical schools for a list of doctors."

A tum virus or food poisoning

If yous take diabetes and are vomiting repeatedly, yous must go to an ER to get intravenous fluids. There's truly no manner effectually this. If y'all tin can't go along fluids down, you're going to get severely dehydrated while your body fights that virus or works out that bad nutrient.

Severe aridity in a person with diabetes can atomic number 82 to Diabetic Ketoacidosis which tin can be fatal. Getting to the hospital sooner than later means you'll likely but be there for a few hours. Waiting until things are really bad means you'll exist there for at to the lowest degree 24 hours or longer. Don't wait. If you're puking, become to the infirmary or urgent intendance clinic.

If y'all've chosen to travel to a very rural location where this kind of care isn't possible, y'all're taking on the risk of fatality as a person with diabetes. Does that mean you shouldn't get? Not necessarily, but definitely talk to your healthcare team almost these kinds of events and how you lot can best gear up for and manage them.

Running out of insulin

Running out of insulin or other diabetes supplies while traveling is a very scary thing. That's why it's so important to pack actress supplies for all types of travel.

If y'all do find yourself in this unfortunate position, there are a few things to keep in listen:

Non all insulin is U-100. In the United states of america, we generally use U-100 unless you're dealing with severe insulin resistance and use a stronger concentration. If you're getting insulin in an ER or pharmacy overseas, do not presume it's U-100. Practise your best to communicate with the person administering your insulin and read the fine print carefully on whatever insulin you're purchasing.

Use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to assistance you get extra supplies if you demand them. I've seen countless posts on Facebook of a person with diabetes in need of test strips or insulin while traveling, posting most it on social media, and getting what they demand through the grapevine world of people with diabetes! Don't be afraid to ask for help!

Traveling with diabetescan be done! Don't let diabetes keep yous stuck at habitation — but if you do travel, be smart by preparing for the many variables and challenges that come up with managing this affliction.

If you found this guide to traveling with diabetes helpful, please sign upwardly for our newsletter (and become a sign-up bonus) in the class below. We send out a weekly newsletter with the latest posts and recipes from Diabetes Strong.


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