Suppose That a Volcano Is Erupting and Readings of the Rate

The Morn Study - 1/26/22


Practiced forenoon, kids. Wednesday and I just have to laugh. Many years ago in my show business days, I had the distinct displeasure of encountering Michael Rapaport. To depict him as a crude lowlife is insulting to crude lowlifes. What made it worse was his detestable egomania. But, as the song goes, "that'south entertainment." As with most no-talent has-beens, when your xv minutes is up, you withal crave that spotlight like a penniless Sideslip Row alkie craves his ain vomit. Similar such other glittering gems of self-inflated vanity, Debra Messing and Alyssa "Cookie" Milano to name but ii, Rapaport has spent the past decade or and so spewing truly horrendous profanity and invective at anyone and anything that is non-Leftist, in a desperate attempt to remain recognizable, if not relevant.

So, Monday, Rapaport walked into a drug store on the Upper Eastward Side of Manhattan and was shocked - SHOCKED! - at what he witnessed.

In the video posted to his Instagram on Monday, Michael Rapaport films the masked thief casually walking through the front door past the security guard while carrying several bags loaded with stolen appurtenances in broad daylight.

"I can't believe I'm seeing this shit!" the True Romance star exclaims in the video. "He's walking down the street like shit is Gucci, he looked me in the confront like 'what'south proficient.' I was watching him the whole time! My homo just went Christmas shopping in January . . . "

. . . "These criminals know there are no ramifications. We have to put more of these motherfuckers in jail," he said. "Y'all see all these videos on Instagram of people shoplifting like they're going for a walk in the park. 'It'due south pathetic that this is happening in the greatest urban center in the world."

The security guard seen in the video allegedly told Rapaport that the Rite Aid on 81st Street and 1st Artery has been robbed on well-nigh a daily basis and volition be closing on February xv along with 63 other locations due to the fasten in thefts.

Michael Rapaport blamed the spike on former New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio for his soft-on-crime stance hoped that Mayor Eric Adams volition change grade.

"I think Eric Adams knows what'south going on, he knows how to deal with crime. I'm just hoping he lives up to our expectations," he said.

Rapaport lamented that he relies on the neighborhood Rite Aid for his mood stabilizers and will have to travel farther to some other pharmacy now that the location will exist closing due to theft.

RUFKM?! Where to even brainstorm? Outset of all, how absolutely stupid do you have to be to actually flick someone who is no more than than a few feet abroad from you and glaring right in your face up while committing a crime? He's damned lucky this goof didn't pull out a shiv and jam it in his centre. Simply that'southward abreast the signal.

What is galling in the extreme is his incredulity at all of this. Meh, he'southward a recovering alcoholic and admittedly on prescription mood stabilizers. But his fierce, pornographic rants against people similar Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani and fifty-fifty Melania Trump cannot be blamed on chemicals and booze. No dubiety he supported BLM in the wake of George Floyd's expiry while resisting arrest. That makes his bluster nigh the lawlessness in NYC risible given his protestations over what happened to George Floyd which we at present know, regardless of the optics of the knee on his neck, was caused by Floyd'due south drug abuse and poor health.

Surely, while Minneapolis and scores of other cities were burned out and looted - including Rapaport'due south honey "greatest city in the world," where the hell was he and his Instagram account? Where was he when Andy Ngo got a hate-shake to the head or when Kyle Rittenhouse had to utilise deadly force to save his own skin in the act of preventing the wanton devastation in Kenosha?

Meh, I'k conflicted; should I exist and then hard on Rapaport? Afterwards all he is speaking the truth here and it's non to the best of my knowledge a 1-off; he went after Titty-Caca Cortez for her hideous, insulting "Tax the Rich" dress and more importantly her blaming gun violence in 2020 on people supposedly having to steal bread to survive. I estimate the question is, is there really such a thing as being "red-pilled?" Nosotros broached this very subject area yesterday vis a vis the vaccine and mask mandates, among other things. While I must say, I was heartened by the scales seeming to autumn from some peoples' optics, I'm brought dorsum to globe by the fact that some all the same don't quite get information technology. Rapaport included. The fact that he blames DeBolshevik is spot on, but voting for Eric Adams thinking that he's going to bring NYC back to the glory days of Rudy Giuliani - who Rapaport went after with a vicious and icky vengeance in the wake of the 2020 ballot theft - is yet some other instance of doing the same things over and over again and expecting a unlike event.

One has to wonder what Rapaport thinks about communist NYC DA Alvin Bragg who is openly telling his staff that he volition not exist prosecuting violent criminals. Or even this mannerly NYC pol:

Cops blasted the Democratic socialist city lawmaker for looping together the two slain officers with their alleged murderer. "How could she mention a coward, cold-blooded murderer in the same judgement as two heroes," said a Bronx cop.

"I detect it very disturbing to meet the perp'southward name in the same judgement as the 2 heroes who are not even buried yet," said a Brooklyn detective.

A Manhattan cop added: "She put the names of our dead cops with their killer in the aforementioned breath she wishes condolences." Hashemite kingdom of jordan couldn't be reached for comment on Tuesday night.

The quango member likewise created an uproar on Fri nighttime for tweeting concerns over a community garden just two hours after the deadly shooting in her district.

Yeah, Eric Adams is going to save the day. If you believe that, I accept a few bridges over the Due east River you can have cheap. Unless they've already been shoplifted. (Link is at, "Enter Valerie" - Pixy doesn't like accent marks - jjs)

Catching up on these latest developments in the French presidential race, I realized that the situation sounded oddly familiar. Why? Then it came to me: the face up-off between Pecresse and Zemmour brought to listen the contempo mayoral contest in my hometown of New York, a metropolis that in the last couple of years, under the poisonous reign of the vile socialist Bill de Blasio, has gone to hell in a handbasket faster than anyone could ever accept imagined. The Republican candidate, Curtis Sliwa, seemed the perfect option to clean things up: he's spent his adult life as the outspoken, often obstreperous, but undeniably dauntless and dedicated leader of the Guardian Angels, a non-profit volunteer organization whose members walk the streets and ride the subways to protect innocent citizens from vehement thugs. But whom did New Yorkers elect? Eric Adams, a Democratic hack whose promises to restore law and society never rang truthful and who began to break them the day he was sworn in.

I hope I'm wrong, but Pecresse appears to me to have every sign of being a French version of Eric Adams - cynically campaigning on positions she doesn't really believe in and making promises she has no intention of keeping. Why do voters - in France, New York, or anywhere else - keep getting bamboozled past such people, especially in a fourth dimension when so much is dependent upon their decisions?

I guess old habits and erstwhile prejudices/perceptions dice hard. While Bill Maher and Bari Weiss may exist bullheaded squirrels, they seem to be finding more and more nuts these days. As execrable and loathsome every bit Michael Rapaport may have been, he has been speaking some truths that are not going to ingratiate him with the difficult left crowd. And for an actor whose career, such as information technology is, is on the downslope, that is an invitation to career suicide.

If someone like David Horowitz, who was in with the Weathermen and whose parents were card conveying Communists, tin become one of the strongest voices for liberty and liberty, perhaps there's hope for someone like Michael Rapaport. And millions more people who are less strident in their views. I judge it will take a little more than time.

The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World bachelor here.

    In a higher place THE FOLD, BREAKING, NOTEWORTHY
  • "Our rulers stoke a civil disharmonize because they desire to win it."
    A Business firm Aggrieved Cannot Stand
  • "Republicans cannot beget to do what they have largely always done with a Senate bulk: set it on a shelf, polish information technology, and adore information technology from afar." (they're there to fake opposition, continue the seat warm and keep the grift going - jjs)
    Republicans Plan to Win Back the Senate, Then Practise Goose egg, Per Usual
  • "Survey information show that Americans under 30 prize cancel culture over freedom."
    A Generational Threat to Complimentary Expression
  • "Americans are waking up to the many ways the Left has lied to them over the concluding several years, simply too many nevertheless believe the Democrats' narrative about the 2020 ballot. Why?"
    When Will People Finally See the Obvious?

  • The judge "said Straka was non being sentenced for his First Subpoena protected speech, but rather for his behave."
    #WalkAway Founder Brandon Straka Sentenced to Three Months Home Confinement and 3 Years Probation Over Jan half-dozen
  • "This has very little to exercise with a 'bluish wall' or some kind of indictment of 'police civilization.' This is all nigh satisfying the mob."
    Is "Police Culture" on Trial in Case of Three Officers Who Stood Past While George Floyd Died
  • "In today'due south surveillance state, the FBI tin can coax otherwise harmless political grievances into full-fledged conspiracies."
    Your FBI in War, Peace, and Swingers' Clubs
  • "In that location's going to be some accountability."
    Kyle Rittenhouse Sits Down With Candace Owens, Discusses Future Plans
  • "To exercise your given right to petition your government, you will at present submit to a cavity search which may include your tax records, real estate holdings, and social media posts. This is physical manifestation of the new hierarchy."
    House Republicans Demand Records Over Capitol Police Surveillance of Constituents
  • "We have enough laws on the books to combat terrorism. We do not demand any more. Building up bogeymen to satisfy moral-equivalency goals also doesn't make usa safer." (former G-human being writes some truths in this piece, besides equally some bullshit you'll see in a flash - jjs)
    The Obsessive Pursuit of Woke Domestic Terror Laws Isn't Making U.s.a. Safer


  • ". . . the Supreme Courtroom this calendar month blocked the mandate in a 6-3 decision, although Principal Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh sided with the liberal justices in keeping the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) mandate on healthcare workers, although the Court explicitly acknowledged that the CMS mandate all the same exempts workers who object to the vaccine for religious or medical reasons. The Supreme Court's rejection of Biden's OSHA mandate came over a year later Biden, who was then [and so-called quote-unquote "president-elect"], said he 'wouldn't need' mandatory [Chinese] coronavirus vaccines."
    OSHA Formally Withdraws Biden Vaccine Mandate
  • "Media promptly smears it as a panel of 'vaccine skeptics and promoters of unproven early treatments.'"
    Sen. Ron Johnson Hosts "Second Stance" Console on America's Problematic Pandemic Response
  • "This is an absurd tactic. For one, the mandate expires on February 1 and no one expects Hochul will be able to renew information technology on a bogus 'emergency' nevertheless over again. Even Hochul expects everyone to take the masks off. So why is she spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayer money to fight a ruling that found her to be in violation of the law?"
    NY Hack-in-Black Restores Mask Mandate Temporarily Subsequently Kids Got One Solar day of Freedom
  • The only "take a chance of a potential agin result with essentially no benefit" are these friggin' vaccines!
    Fauci Defends FDA for Rescinding Authorization of Monoclonal Antibodies -- "Chance of a Potential Adverse Effect with Substantially No Benefit"
  • "When asked what her response was to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R), Psaki said, 'Well, let's simply take a step back here just to realize how crazy this is a petty scrap.'"
    Piss-Hockey Psaki Defends FDA Revoking Utilise of Monoclonal Antibody Treatments as Florida Sites Forced to Shut
  • "Biden let the virus he promised to shut down make the economic system sick."
    The Bitter Fruit of Pandemic Paranoia
  • "Republican Texas Rep. Scrap Roy is currently circulating a petition urging his colleagues to oppose any government funding resolution that includes coin for the enforcement of vaccine mandates. More than two dozen Republicans have already signed on to the petition, which has not nonetheless been delivered to Republican Leaders Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell, a source familiar with the petition told the Daily Caller."
    Republicans Gear Up For Government Funding Showdown Over Vaccine Mandates
  • " . . . the Democrat Party has returned to its KKK roots, only instead of supporting segregation against blacks and other minorities, it now supports segregation confronting whites."
    Pushback: Class Activeness Lawsuit Confronting NY State Racial Discriminatory Chinese COVID Policy
  • Incompetence and stupidity, only in whatever instance, enough with the damned testing.
    Biden'due south Chinese COVID-19 Testing Plan Fails to Cover Almost a Quarter of American Households
  • "Crystallizing the myths -- and realities -- of the 'pandemic.'"
    Dr. Peter McCullough Video: Top v Key Points Well-nigh Chinese Covid-19
    * * * * *
  • "It's kind of against his basic principles, he doesn't believe in it," David Ferguson told reporters. "It's a policy they are enforcing and so considering he won't get the shot, they took him off the listing of a centre transplant."
    Unvaxxed Dad Removed From Heart Transplant List, He'south Not the First
  • "Details of Quebec'southward draconian new vaccine passport scheme revealed."
    Unvaccinated to exist Accompanied past Staff in Walmart to Brand Certain They Don't Buy Annihilation Other Than Food & Pharma
  • "To our Fellow Canadians, the time for political over reach is over. Our electric current authorities is implementing rules and mandates that are destroying the foundation of our businesses, industries and livelihoods. Canadians have been integral to the fabric of humanity in many ways that have shaped the planet," organizer Tamara Lich said.
    Truckers Confronting Vax Mandate Raise Millions; GoFundMe Withholds Funds
  • "Can someone take the vaccine, learn new data, and switch to the other side? Information technology does happen . . ."
    I Regret Getting the Chinese COVID Vaccine
  • "These astounding results fit right in with Democrats' historical track record of threatening to limit the freedom of their political adversaries, including taking legal action against them."
    Most One-half of Democrats Support Putting Unvaccinated Americans in Camps

    THE Economic system, STUPID

  • "The extreme inflation readings came despite a slowdown in the charge per unit of growth of the manufacturing sector in the region. The Richmond Fed said its blended index cruel to eight in January from sixteen in December. That was lower than the consensus forecast."
    Aggrandizement Explodes to Record-Breaking Loftier in Richmond Fed Survey


  • Believe it, asshole! Yous vote for it and back up it. Y'all're damned lucky the goof didn't whip out a shank and stick it in your centre. But, not to worry. Eric Adams will make it all better. /sarc
    WATCH: Unfunny No-Talent Michael Rapaport Films Brazen Theft at NYC Rite Aid: "I Can't Believe I'm Seeing This Shit"
  • "Soft-on-crime policies are causing major problems in these bluish cities."
    Carjackings Skyrocket During Chinese COVID Pandemic With D.C. Having At Least 1 a Twenty-four hour period
  • Only go back to what Rudy Giuliani did. Never happen; Adams is a phony. Even if he wasn't, his easily would be tied by a city council and state Democrat party that's as Marxist as DeBolshevik is. And an electorate that's braindead.
    NYC Mayor Adams Brings Dorsum Plainclothes Unit That DeBolshevik Disbanded
  • "In add-on to the child abuse charges, Turner was also 'charged with trafficking in fentanyl, trafficking in methamphetamine, possession of cocaine with intent to distribute, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute and possession of narcotic equipment,' according to the PCPD."
    Florida Woman Charged After Police Allegedly Find 34,000 Lethal Doses of Fentanyl in Baby'south Crib

    Instruction, AND WHAT PASSES FOR IT

  • "Security guard stymied after he couldn't see because his mask caused his spectacles to fog upwardly."
    Fairfax Schools Suspend Kids, Telephone call Police as Organisation Defies Virginia Governor on Masks
  • "The Supreme Court has a run a risk to terminate racial discrimination in university admissions." (how will Roberts and Kavanaugh fuck this up and continue it alive? - jjs)
    An Affirmative Activity Endgame?
  • "Imposing needless pandemic constraints on campuses -- from which they themselves are exempt -- university administrators are creating different, possibly worse problems."
    Campus Chinese Covid Restrictions Harm Students
  • "I probably don't accept to tell yous this based on her bio, but Johnson is a Democrat. And you had ameliorate believe she's of the far-left variety."
    Meet "Dr. Tarece" -- and Pray for the Families in Georgia'south Largest School Commune
  • "One of the nation'south top schools for public health puts 'antiracist' pedagogy at the eye of its curriculum."
    An Unhealthy Obsession
  • "American Federation of Teachers president [and self-gassing Joo] Randi Weingarten said her union volition apply NewsGuard to help students to 'separate fact from fiction' and 'develop their critical-thinking and belittling skills.'" (total farce, simply no i's laughing - jjs)
    Teachers' Union Taps Liberal Watchdog To Assist Students Place Misinformation
  • "Blue state resistance to parental choice -- the battle is on."
    What Volition it Take to Convince Democrats That School Option is a Worthy Endeavour?


  • "What you lot'll quickly notice is these are all single adults being released -- well-nigh all of them men," Melugin explained. "No children, no family unit units." "This raised eyebrows for the states because single adults are supposed to exist expelled from the state via Championship 42," he continued. "We watched every bit these migrants were ushered into this unmarked office with a for lease sign."
    WATCH: Biden Junta Mass Releases Single Adult Migrants Into Texas Border City
  • "[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden's [junta] has faced criticism for its handling of the southern border since migrant crossings began to surge in early on 2021."
    Doocy Presses Piss-Hockey Psaki on Why Migrants Are Existence Released Into the United states of america
  • "Zephyr Teachout, a far-left attorney who has vowed to bring charges against Ice and Community and Border Protection for 'lawlessness,' announced on Twitter that she was 'taking a leave of absence from Fordham Law Schoolhouse to work for the great New York country attorney general @TishJames equally a special adviser and senior counsel for economic justice.'" (tin can nosotros exchange Zephyr for Terry? - jjs)
    NY Attorney Full general Taps "Abolish Ice" Activist as Special Adviser
  • "Yet Joe Biden is content to leave the whole thing wide open."
    It'southward Non Just Illegal Aliens Our Southern Border Guards Against


  • "Joe Biden is correct in proverb that voter suppression and election subversion must exist stopped. The problem for Democrats is that they have seen the enemy in the mirror."
    Democrats in 2020 Wrote the Book on Voter Suppression and Election Subversion


  • "The two Christians had the opportunity to essentially preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in courtroom."
    Finnish Government Puts Christianity on Trial, Calls The Bible "Hate Speech"
  • Raymond Ibrahim: "When information technology comes to Islam's views on Christianity, the Left appears to be in agreement."
    Emulating Islam: The Left'due south State of war on the Christian Cross
  • Daniel Greenfield: "CAIR's Islamophobia written report shows why information technology's accused of anti-Semitism."
    CAIR Warns of Threat from Jews and "ProntPage Magazine"


  • "Hunter Biden had developed a close working relationship with CEFC'due south Chairman and majority owner Ye Jianming beginning at the finish of 2015 later on associates put them in touch. Ye had a number of ties to Chinese armed forces intelligence and his visitor provided energy to China's People's Liberation Army." (I thought Eric Swalwell was fucking the spy main of China? - jjs)
    Biden Family Planned to Share Role Infinite with Company Employing "Fucking Spy Chief of Mainland china"


  • "Every bit city councilman, Greg Landsman worked to pull funding from Cincinnati police while murders rose."
    Top Dem Recruit in Ohio Swing District Wrote Proposal To Defund Police force Among Homicide Spike


  • "Biden'due south job approval numbers have declined beyond well-nigh demographic groups since September," the survey found.
    Biden's Approval Rating Plummets Again . . . to 41 Percent
  • "Aside from the mask, Joe Biden's beginning to await a lot like Macbeth."
    Our Own Scottish Tragedy?
  • "Leadership was consistently rated as Trump'southward strongest quality throughout his term," said Gallup.
    Gallup: Only 37% of Americans View Biden as a "Stiff and Decisive Leader"
  • "Throughout his entrada and the early days of his [so-called quote-unquote "presidency"] Biden made grand promises and pledges to the American people of unity and a return to normalcy and civility."
    Is Information technology Likewise Much to Expect That So-Called Quote-Unquote "president" Biden Bide Past His Ain Promise?
  • Monica Crowley: "Long a fantasist who recounts fake stories years after they've been debunked, Biden was always a hitting-and-run liar. He was too e'er a hack and a jerk, with an acrimony that betrays the arrogance of a corrupt elite . . .if we had a dime for every time Biden acted viciously, we could beget his skyrocketing inflation."
    Joe Biden's Kindly Uncle Routine Has E'er Been a Facade -- He's Dangerous
  • Her or Hillary are turkey-neck and neck for worst woman in the quondam United States.
    Malig-Nancy Metastasizes; Won't Retire, Announces Yet Another Run for Congress
  • "I am told the very potent and impressive Morgan Ortagus is exploring a run for Congress in Tennessee'due south 5th Congressional District," Trump said. "I couldn't be happier considering she'south an accented warrior for America Starting time and MAGA!"
    "Runaway Favorite": Height Former Trump Official Mulls Congressional Run; Trump Immediately Weighs In
  • "Trump'south electoral success in bravado upwardly the old model has inspired a whole new younger generation of MAGA advocates. Is it time for i of them to step up?"
    Donald Trump and the Future of MAGA


  • "Everything about this calendar is extremely drastic."
    Watch: Nugget of Truth Emerges on XiNN as Guest RIPS Biden Autonomously
  • "He said he was a dynamic, energetic guy."
    XiNN'due south Anderson Cooper Introduced Creepy Porn Shyster Michael Avenatti to Volume Agent at Center of Porn Star Sloppy Daniels' Fraud Trial
  • "These women aren't among the throngs of parents fuming at their local leaders for shutting down schools and kicking out healthy kids."
    XiNN Outdoes Itself With Cringe Propagandist Segment on "Suburban Women" Who Don't Mind School Closures
  • "Y'all won't hear this assay anywhere else but he was spot on."
    Tucker Carlson Was on Fire Nigh Ukraine and America'south Own Border


  • "I don't retrieve the people of Illinois wanted our state to get known as the ballgame capital of the Midwest, but our legislators and authorities accept decided to move us in that management."
    "Abortion Capitol of the Midwest": Almost 10,000 Women Traveled to Illinois for Abortions in 2020
  • "Reflections on my days as an operating room technician."
    Were the Fetuses I Was Carrying Actually Expressionless Babies?


  • "He made information technology clear that the toll of a shooting war in the region would exist high, and he's not sure virtually people understand the costs that might be on the horizon. He also pointed out there are costs to pay whether nosotros do something or not."
    Former Delta Forcefulness Operator Chris VanSant Warns Americans About the Escalating Situation Betwixt Russia and Ukraine
  • "NATO is weak, China is dominant, and the U.S. is dislocated; Russia is well-armed and prepared. That'due south why Putin is making his move now."
    Putin's Waited thirty Years to Sort Out Ukraine
  • ". . . Trump came into office hoping to improve our human relationship with Russian federation, just like every president since the autumn of the Berlin Wall, but on the level of policy he was really tougher on Putin than any of his predecessors. Meanwhile, Biden is ever happy to talk trash well-nigh Putin to American reporters -- he's recently taken to claiming, unbelievably, that he looked Putin in the center in 2014 and said to him, 'I don't think you have a soul' -- merely somehow Putin always seems to come away the winner in every situation Biden involves himself in."
    Joe and Vlad: the Odd Couple
  • "As America loses confidence in its own power, its adversaries band together."
    Russia and China: It's Complicated
    * * * * *
  • "China is outset Olympic host to rely entirely on fake snowfall for games."
    Chinese Risk Local H2o Supply To Create False Snowfall for Beijing Olympics
  • "The video'due south affiche goes by an obvious pseudonym (Will Killmore) and describes himself every bit a decorated airborne combat vet who then trained to become a journalist. He writes that reports indicate the drone was operated by the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. "Killmore" claims that drone mods were first pioneered by ISIS in Iraq and Syria, simply this one was unusual because it was capable of dropping several of the petite bombs at once."
    WATCH: Mexican Drug Cartel Modifies Drone, Drops Bombs
  • "Religious freedom is the foundation to all other freedoms."
    Today's Top Religious Persecutors: Open Doors Unveils Latest World Lookout List
  • "I promise I'm wrong, merely Pecresse appears to me to have every sign of beingness a French version of Eric Adams -- cynically campaigning on positions she doesn't really believe in and making promises she has no intention of keeping. "
    Enter Valerie (go to home page - jjs)


  • Robert Spencer: "The questions the authorities and establishment media won't inquire."
    Florida Teen Converts to Islam, Murders 13-Year-Old Male child
  • Robert Spencer function deux: ". . . no ane should exist surprised that at to the lowest degree some of these 3 evacuees, fresh from Afghanistan's deeply Islamic culture, should be caught in America behaving similar Afghans. The larger question is whether it is wise to endanger women and girls by bringing into the country large numbers of people among whom is an unknowable number who recollect the aforementioned style that Tariq does. But that question will, of class, not be asked. To ask it would as well be 'Islamophobic.'"
    Virginia: Afghan Convicted of Sexually Assaulting three-Year-Quondam Girl, Says information technology's Allowed in His Culture

    DOMESTIC Diplomacy, Waste material/FRAUD/ABUSE, THE COURTS

  • "The IRS will use a 3rd-political party company chosen for those select online services and will involve using a combination of documents and a video selfie to confirm their identity before interacting with the agency. Co-ordinate to the report, the IRS announced the motility last November merely has gained more attending last week on a security expert'southward blog."
    Report: Critics Audio Warning on IRS Move to Use Facial Recognition Tech
  • "Congress shouldn't turn U.S. Postal Service reform into a political football."
    Fixing the Post Without Breaking It


  • "I was shut to the monkeys, I touched the crates, I walked through their carrion, so I was very close. Then I called to inquire, you know, was I safe?"
    Woman Who Stopped at Lab Monkey Crash Site is At present "Sick"
  • "The National Institutes of Health's model is socialized medical research. Alter is long overdue."
    A Challenge to Animal Experimenters: Find Your Own Funding

    ACTUAL Science, Engineering science

  • "The Tonga volcano started erupting in late-December 2021 and into early January. The volcanic activity seemed normal at first with the volcano producing explosions of volcanic gases including tephra, ash, and steam, NASA reported."
    Volcano Eruption in Tonga Hundreds of Times More Powerful Than Hiroshima, NASA Says
  • "Meanwhile, Chinese satellite was in near miss with debris from Russia's failed exam rocket launch."
    James Webb Space Telescope Arrives at Final Destination: One 1000000 Miles from World
  • "Capitalism in space: Ukrainian startup rocket visitor Promin Aerospace has signed an agreement with the Atlantic Spaceport Consortium (ASC), a Portugal organization that is aimed at building launch facilities on Portuguese-controlled islands in the Atlantic."
    Ukrainian Rocket Company Signs Bargain With Portuguese Spaceport Organization
  • "We're here to assistance you! Both the FAA and the rocket industry, led past SpaceX and Blue Origin, have issued detailed written opposition to a proposal by the National Transportation Safe Lath (NTSB) that information technology be placed in charge of all future infinite accident investigations."
    Strong Opposition to New Proposed Regulation by Federal Safe Board


  • "Our united stand up volition put the Canadian and the U.Due south. governments on detect that they take attacked the Word of G-d," he added. "We are all well-aware of the evil power and destructive influence of the homosexual and transgender ideology. Our government is bent on non only normalizing this perversion, but too legalizing it, and furthermore criminalizing opposition to it."
    Christian Pastors Denounce Conversion Therapy Ban: It'southward "Totalitarian," Destroys Religious Freedom
  • G-d is watching. And He is not amused.
    Pete Buttigieg's And then-Called "Husband": Fla. Neb Banning Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation from Existence Discussed in Schools "Will Kill Kids"


  • "This is fucking America."
    UFC Primary Dana White Blasts "Whiny Pussies" Trying to Cancel Joe Rogan
  • While at that place have been several songs called "Let's Go Brandon" that have topped the iTunes charts, in that location'due south a new single by Kid Rock that America-loving patriots have to go behind now. The song, chosen "We The People," pulls no punches.
    Here's the Side by side "Let'due south Go Brandon" Song to Send to the Peak of the Charts
  • "U.S. companies care more than about coin than mass atrocities."
    The Genocide Olympics
  • "Some other 1 bites the grit."
    Neil Young'southward Attempt to Pressure Spotify to Conscience Joe Rogan Fails Miserably
  • "Afterward hundreds of years of astonishing success, we should be celebrating shareholder commercialism for all of the remarkable achievements it has helped usher into our lives."
    Shareholder Capitalism v. Stakeholder Commercialism
  • "Peloton stock has fallen more than fourscore% over the past 12 months after emerging equally a leading investment at the beginning of the pandemic. PR issues like seeing characters suffer center attacks after using their conditioning equipment probably hasn't affected the make paradigm besides much, but it hasn't helped matters either." (they went "woke" as well a few months back IIRC - jjs)
    Flailing Peloton Issues Statement After Billions Graphic symbol Suffers a Middle Attack Following a Ride
  • "Woke barbarians are at the gates, but fortunately, so are their anti-wokery opponents."
    Tin can London's Iconic Blue Plaques Survive the Woke Apocalypse?
  • "We are living through strange times, and much of what nosotros are witnessing seems unprecedented. Yet the perennial questions of good, evil, truth, and beauty remain."
    The Good Critic: The New Criterionat 40

    Here & YON

  • "Manager Spencer Folmar recalls a memorable brush with the music legend."
    The Time I Nigh Worked With Meat Loaf

NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reverberate my ain. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a item effect.

Likewise: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to keep the conversation all day.

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Posted past: J.J. Sefton at 07:21 AM



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