Funny Names for Hand When Masurbating

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Batgrl (Book Data Kept Elsewhere)
I'm somehow confused about this being a 36 page book (perhaps there are illustrations?!), because it's actually a speech Twain gave. If you dig a bit on the internet, you can find it - but it's short enough for me to copy below. It isn't what I'd consider the best of Twain's humor - but it's a glimpse into the world of men's after dinner speeches of the 1800s, and what was considered risque talk.

Found online here and also here (a few interesting notes on that last link, on things like the Vendom

I'm somehow confused about this being a 36 page book (perhaps there are illustrations?!), because it's actually a speech Twain gave. If you dig a bit on the internet, you can find it - but it's short enough for me to copy below. It isn't what I'd consider the best of Twain's humor - but it's a glimpse into the world of men's after dinner speeches of the 1800s, and what was considered risque talk.

Found online here and also here (a few interesting notes on that last link, on things like the Vendome Column).

This speech is the kind of after-dinner talk that would only be given without the presence of any women, and only in a circle of like minded men - due to the subject matter. At the time masturbation was still considered both a sin and something that could injure you physically - aside from this being a shocking subject to even speak about. (More history on wikipedia.) It's also somewhat amazing that we have a copy of this - I'm sure plenty of well known authors wrote the odd bit of prose that wasn't fit for "polite company" - but that sort of writing was often destroyed by an author's heirs so as not to besmirch their good name, or some such silliness.

I'm assuming that in his literary and historical quotes Twain is having yet another joke with us by his creative citations - taking some well known quotes and adding the masturbation reference, or just taking a quote out of context (I have a feeling that part of the joke lies in recognizing the quotes). Not that Twain wasn't well read, and not that there's not a lot of quotes in ancient lit on masturbation. But if any of those are based in fact, do let me know.

[In the list of people cited - still trying to figure out who Mr. Brown is (an actor?), and not sure if "The great statistician Smith" is this Smith?]

Some Thoughts on the Science of Onanism
by Mark Twain

[One evening in Paris in 1879, The Stomach Club, a society of American writers and artists, gathered to drink well, to eat a good dinner and hear an address by Mark Twain. He was among friends and, according to the custom of the club, he delivered a humorous talk on a subject hardly ever mentioned in public in that day and age. After the meeting, he preserved the manuscript among his papers. It was finally printed in a pamphlet limited to 50 copies 64 years later.]


My gifted predecessor has warned you against the "social evil - adultery." In his able paper he exhausted that subject; he left absolutely nothing more to be said on it. But I will continue his good work in the cause of morality by cautioning you against that species of recreation called self-abuse to which I perceive you are much addicted. All great writers on health and morals, both ancient and modern, have struggled with this stately subject; this shows its dignity and importance. Some of these writers have taken one side, some the other.

Homer, in the second book of the Iliad says with fine enthusiasm, "Give me masturbation or give me death." Caesar, in his Commentaries, says, "To the lonely it is company; to the forsaken it is a friend; to the aged and to the impotent it is a benefactor. They that are penniless are yet rich, in that they still have this majestic diversion." In another place this experienced observer has said, "There are times when I prefer it to sodomy."

Robinson Crusoe says, "I cannot describe what I owe to this gentle art." Queen Elizabeth said, "It is the bulwark of virginity." Cetewayo, the Zulu hero, remarked, "A jerk in the hand is worth two in the bush." The immortal Franklin has said, "Masturbation is the best policy."

Michelangelo and all of the other old masters--"old masters," I will remark, is an abbreviation, a contraction--have used similar language. Michelangelo said to Pope Julius II, "Self-negation is noble, self-culture beneficent, self-possession is manly, but to the truly great and inspiring soul they are poor and tame compared with self-abuse." Mr. Brown, here, in one of his latest and most graceful poems, refers to it in an eloquent line
which is destined to live to the end of time - "None knows it but to love it; none name it but to praise."

Such are the utterances of the most illustrious of the masters of this renowned science, and apologists for it. The name of those who decry it and oppose it is legion; they have made strong arguments and uttered bitter speeches against it--but there is not room to repeat them here in much detail. Brigham Young, an expert of incontestable authority, said, "As compared with the other thing, it is the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning." Solomon said, "There is nothing to recommend it but its cheapness." Galen said, "It is shameful to degrade to such bestial uses that grand limb, that formidable member, which we votaries of Science dub the Major Maxillary--when they dub it at all--which is seldom, It would be better to amputate the os frontis than to put it to such use."

The great statistician Smith, in his report to Parliament, says, "In my opinion, more children have been wasted in this way than any other." It cannot be denied that the high antiquity of this art entitles it to our respect; but at the same time, I think its harmfulness demands our condemnation. Mr. Darwin was grieved to feel obliged to give up his theory that the monkey was the connecting link between man and the lower animals. I think he was too hasty. The monkey is the only animal, except man, that practices this science; hence, he is our brother; there is a bond of sympathy and relationship between us. Give this ingenuous animal an audience of the proper kind and he will straightway put aside his other affairs and take a whet; and you will see by his contortions and his ecstatic expression that he takes an intelligent and human interest in his performance.

The signs of excessive indulgence in this destructive pastime are easily detectable. They are these: a disposition to eat, to drink, to smoke, to meet together convivially, to laugh, to joke and tell indelicate stories - and mainly, a yearning to paint pictures. The results of the habit are: loss of memory, loss of virility, loss of cheerfulness and loss of progeny.

Of all the various kinds of sexual intercourse, this has the least to recommend it. As an amusement, it is too fleeting; as an occupation, it is too wearing; as a public exhibition, there is no money in it. It is unsuited to the drawing room, and in the most cultured society it has long been banished from the social board. It has at last, in our day of progress and improvement, been degraded to brotherhood with flatulence. Among the best bred, these two arts are now indulged in only private - though by consent of the whole company, when only males are present, it is still permissible, in good society, to remove the embargo on the fundamental sigh.

My illustrious predecessor has taught you that all forms of the "social evil" are bad. I would teach you that some of these forms are more to be avoided than others. So, in concluding, I say, "If you must gamble your lives sexually, don't play a lone hand too much." When you feel a revolutionary uprising in your system, get your Vendome Column down some other way - don't jerk it down.

Ermina Ribic
Kratki govor o onaniji, bio bi vjerovatnije više smiješan da je napisan u nešto novije vrijeme (ili, sasvim suprotno, u vrijeme dragog Francoisa Rabelaisa). Možda nije toliko duhovit jer se u njemu spominje i Homer, ne znam.
Neha Oberoi
This isn't a book. Its a speech!. Mostly its a play of words that mark twain has used to put forth his views on the self indulgent act. Its amusing.

I liked the way he's compared it to flatulence and the losing of potential children. Also, the affront of one of the authors and naming the male organ is quite entertaining. Seems men will always be men and naming their genitals continues in an attempt to bely the correct importance ( that is their due according to them ) to them. ;)

This isn't a book. Its a speech!. Mostly its a play of words that mark twain has used to put forth his views on the self indulgent act. Its amusing.

I liked the way he's compared it to flatulence and the losing of potential children. Also, the affront of one of the authors and naming the male organ is quite entertaining. Seems men will always be men and naming their genitals continues in an attempt to bely the correct importance ( that is their due according to them ) to them. ;)

Cihan A.
İnsanlığı daha aydınlık günlere götürecektir.
Feb 20, 2019 rated it really liked it
Read this during a refractory period
Paloma Meir
Nov 27, 2015 rated it it was amazing
The book is brilliantly funny and everyone should read it right now.

I kind of wish I had bought the book in hardcover so I could have shocked the patrons at my local coffeeshop.

Nov 04, 2019 rated it really liked it
The signs of excessive indulgence in this destructive pastime
are easily detectable. They are these: a disposition to eat, to
drink, to smoke, to meet together convivially, to laugh, to joke
and tell indelicate stories--and mainly, a yearning to paint
pictures. The results of the habit are: loss of memory, loss of
virility, loss of cheerfulness and loss of progeny.

Of all the various kinds of sexual intercourse, this has the
least to recommend it. As an amusement, it is too fleeting; as an

The signs of excessive indulgence in this destructive pastime
are easily detectable. They are these: a disposition to eat, to
drink, to smoke, to meet together convivially, to laugh, to joke
and tell indelicate stories--and mainly, a yearning to paint
pictures. The results of the habit are: loss of memory, loss of
virility, loss of cheerfulness and loss of progeny.

Of all the various kinds of sexual intercourse, this has the
least to recommend it. As an amusement, it is too fleeting; as an
occupation, it is too wearing; as a public exhibition, there is no
money in it. It is unsuited to the drawing room, and in the most
cultured society it has long been banished from the social board.
It has at last, in our day of progress and improvement, been
degraded to brotherhood with flatulence. Among the best bred,
these two arts are now indulged in only private--though by consent
of the whole company, when only males are present, it is still
permissible, in good society, to remove the embargo on the
fundamental sigh.

My illustrious predecessor has taught you that all forms of
the "social evil" are bad. I would teach you that some of these
forms are more to be avoided than others. So, in concluding, I
say, "If you must gamble your lives sexually, don't play a lone
hand too much." When you feel a revolutionary uprising in your
system, get your Vendome Column down some other way--don't jerk it

Feb 11, 2019 rated it liked it
In honor of "Romance Week" here on the mighty Goodreads, let me offer up this bit of frictional fiction to warm the cockles of your, er, cockles.

Yes, it's Twain, that scamp -- sporting a long cigar as usual and possibly something else -- up front with the goods to shock the Victorians with a litany of some upstanding historical fellows who've lauded the upsides of the act of "self abuse." So grab yourself a stiff drink and a stiff whatever, sit back, relax and have a short laugh.


In honor of "Romance Week" here on the mighty Goodreads, let me offer up this bit of frictional fiction to warm the cockles of your, er, cockles.

Yes, it's Twain, that scamp -- sporting a long cigar as usual and possibly something else -- up front with the goods to shock the Victorians with a litany of some upstanding historical fellows who've lauded the upsides of the act of "self abuse." So grab yourself a stiff drink and a stiff whatever, sit back, relax and have a short laugh.

kr, eg '19

John Waaser
Too short, but a good read while it lasts....

I may not have received the whole book. I thought it was supposed to be 30 pages, but it was not, and the description warned of very bad formatting, and while the formatting was a bit kinky, it wasn't as bad as I might have expected. But of course, it is the quality of the writing, and yea verily, the quality of the research that went into it, that makes this book so engaging!

Too short, but a good read while it lasts....

I may not have received the whole book. I thought it was supposed to be 30 pages, but it was not, and the description warned of very bad formatting, and while the formatting was a bit kinky, it wasn't as bad as I might have expected. But of course, it is the quality of the writing, and yea verily, the quality of the research that went into it, that makes this book so engaging!

Thymios Iakovakis
Ο Twain μπορεί να σε κάνει να γελάσεις περισσότερο απ' όσο νομίζεις...!!! Ο Twain μπορεί να σε κάνει να γελάσεις περισσότερο απ' όσο νομίζεις...!!! ...more
Steven Thompson
Does this book have a climax?
Amusing. The quotes he used were amazing and I even laughed out loud once, for some reason, at the changed qoute "X is the best policy". Amusing. The quotes he used were amazing and I even laughed out loud once, for some reason, at the changed qoute "X is the best policy". ...more
Rob McMonigal
Jul 26, 2008 rated it it was amazing
Hate to call this a book, but hey, they made one out of the (probably should have stayed) lost story a few years back, so why not. This is Twain at his over-the-top best. Bawdy, of course, ala 1601, but so frickin' funny that the term LOL is entirely true. Twain sets out to skewer just about everyone in this, from "quoting" Franklin and Queen Elizabeth on its merits to playing on the prevention of childbirth. It can be found on the web, I highly recommend you read it. Just absolutely full of win Hate to call this a book, but hey, they made one out of the (probably should have stayed) lost story a few years back, so why not. This is Twain at his over-the-top best. Bawdy, of course, ala 1601, but so frickin' funny that the term LOL is entirely true. Twain sets out to skewer just about everyone in this, from "quoting" Franklin and Queen Elizabeth on its merits to playing on the prevention of childbirth. It can be found on the web, I highly recommend you read it. Just absolutely full of win. ...more
Jul 02, 2013 rated it really liked it
Reading this book one must remember the context not just of the event but the time. Many today do not realize how abhorrent the practice of masturbation was considered: It was common medical belief that a male who masturbates could go mad or much worse. Mark Twain's purposely erroneous quotations from famous historical and then present day figures are clever and very entertaining. Reading this book one must remember the context not just of the event but the time. Many today do not realize how abhorrent the practice of masturbation was considered: It was common medical belief that a male who masturbates could go mad or much worse. Mark Twain's purposely erroneous quotations from famous historical and then present day figures are clever and very entertaining. ...more
Darren Girard
A once banned essay (Speech) delivered by famous 19th century author Mark Twain to a men's club on, you guessed it, masturbation. Full of tongue-n-cheek humor aimed at the society of the time. It'll make you chuckle, but nothing shocking to a 21st century audience. A very quick read, fun if you have some time on your hands. I got my copy free from Amazon Kindle. A once banned essay (Speech) delivered by famous 19th century author Mark Twain to a men's club on, you guessed it, masturbation. Full of tongue-n-cheek humor aimed at the society of the time. It'll make you chuckle, but nothing shocking to a 21st century audience. A very quick read, fun if you have some time on your hands. I got my copy free from Amazon Kindle. ...more
AmberBug com*
Twain wrote this in response to the public opinion on masturbation. Super short, really this was a speech so it makes for a quick read. I believe I purchased this (cheap or for free) on amazon. He is so clever and funny, greatly increased his already charming self. I really wish I could have sat and chatted with him (invent that time machine already!)
J.V. Stanley
Jul 24, 2013 rated it it was amazing
Twain is a masterful satirist! Although the subject isn't as taboo in modern times as it was then, it certainly puts perspective on how the topic was perceived. The quotes are hilarious and are worth the dollar spent. It's a pretty quick read of the speech he made that will make you chuckle. Twain is a masterful satirist! Although the subject isn't as taboo in modern times as it was then, it certainly puts perspective on how the topic was perceived. The quotes are hilarious and are worth the dollar spent. It's a pretty quick read of the speech he made that will make you chuckle. ...more
The book was short so my review will be too. This takes about half an hour to read and is full of fun "quotes" by Mark Twain about masturbation. Not as funny as some others I have read by Mark Twain, but a good way to while away a few minutes between books. The book was short so my review will be too. This takes about half an hour to read and is full of fun "quotes" by Mark Twain about masturbation. Not as funny as some others I have read by Mark Twain, but a good way to while away a few minutes between books. ...more
Yelda Gürbüz Erdogan
Yalnızın yoldaşıdır; terk edilmişim arkadaşı; yalnız ve iktidarsızın velinimeti; bu görkemli oylanmaları oldukça beş parası olmayanlar bile zengindir. Sezar
Mohit Parikh
Vendome Column... lol. IIT-R has one.
Cetewayo, the Zulu hero, remarked that, "A jerk in the hand is worth two in the bush." Fantastic Twain. What a sense of humor that man had. Cetewayo, the Zulu hero, remarked that, "A jerk in the hand is worth two in the bush." Fantastic Twain. What a sense of humor that man had. ...more
tabii bu değerlendirme mark twain'in kendisine ya da ''yazısına'' dair değil tam olarak. basılmış / kitaplaştırılmış haline. tabii bu değerlendirme mark twain'in kendisine ya da ''yazısına'' dair değil tam olarak. basılmış / kitaplaştırılmış haline. ...more
Aug 27, 2013 rated it really liked it
Would have been super funny at the time, I bet. I love that he called farting the "fundamental sigh." Would have been super funny at the time, I bet. I love that he called farting the "fundamental sigh." ...more
Jul 26, 2008 rated it liked it
Recommends it for: Oh you all should just to smile! (And stop touching that!)
Recommended to Meen by: Goodreads via a search for his autobiography
Well, now I've read it, so I guess it can go on the sexy shelf... once I figure out what a Vendome Column is...

I would've liked to've known Sam Clemens. How cool is this?!

Well, now I've read it, so I guess it can go on the sexy shelf... once I figure out what a Vendome Column is...

I would've liked to've known Sam Clemens. How cool is this?!

Kahraman KURT
Kitabın önsözü olmasa okunacak bir kısmı yok.Zaman kaybı.
Simon Sweetman
Nothing too gripping here - but interesting to see what might have caused a stir way back.
Sep 28, 2013 rated it it was ok
Cute quotes, but not as funny or rooted in Twain as I had hoped.
Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American author and humorist. He is noted for his novels Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885), called "the Great American Novel", and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876).

Twain grew up in Hannibal, Missouri, which would later provide the setting for Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. He apprenticed with a printer. He also work

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American author and humorist. He is noted for his novels Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885), called "the Great American Novel", and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876).

Twain grew up in Hannibal, Missouri, which would later provide the setting for Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. He apprenticed with a printer. He also worked as a typesetter and contributed articles to his older brother Orion's newspaper. After toiling as a printer in various cities, he became a master riverboat pilot on the Mississippi River, before heading west to join Orion. He was a failure at gold mining, so he next turned to journalism. While a reporter, he wrote a humorous story, "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County," which proved to be very popular and brought him nationwide attention. His travelogues were also well-received. Twain had found his calling.

He achieved great success as a writer and public speaker. His wit and satire earned praise from critics and peers, and he was a friend to presidents, artists, industrialists, and European royalty.

However, he lacked financial acumen. Though he made a great deal of money from his writings and lectures, he squandered it on various ventures, in particular the Paige Compositor, and was forced to declare bankruptcy. With the help of Henry Huttleston Rogers, however, he eventually overcame his financial troubles. Twain worked hard to ensure that all of his creditors were paid in full, even though his bankruptcy had relieved him of the legal responsibility.

Born during a visit by Halley's Comet, he died on its return. He was lauded as the "greatest American humorist of his age", and William Faulkner called Twain "the father of American literature".

Excerpted from Wikipedia.

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A good scary story is an oddly appealing experience. There's something about the subtle chills of the ghost story—or the cathartic thrills of...
"The signs of excessive indulgence in this destructive pastime are easily detectable. They are these: A disposition to eat, to drink, to smoke, to meet together convivially, to laugh, to joke, and tell indelicate stories— and mainly, a yearning to paint pictures." — 29 likes
"Homer, in the second book of the Iliad says with fine enthusiasm, "Give me masturbation or give me death." Caesar, in his Commentaries, says, "To the lonely it is company; to the forsaken it is a friend; to the aged and to the impotent it is a benefactor. They that are penniless are yet rich, in that they still have this majestic diversion." In another place this experienced observer has said, "There are times when I prefer it to sodomy." Robinson Crusoe says, "I cannot describe what I owe to this gentle art." Queen Elizabeth said, "It is the bulwark of virginity." Cetewayo, the Zulu hero, remarked, "A jerk in the hand is worth two in the bush." The immortal Franklin has said, "Masturbation is the best policy." Michelangelo and all of the other old masters--"old masters," I will remark, is an abbreviation, a contraction--have used similar language. Michelangelo said to Pope Julius II, "Self-negation is noble, self-culture beneficent, self-possession is manly, but to the truly great and inspiring soul they are poor and tame compared with self-abuse." Mr. Brown, here, in one of his latest and most graceful poems, refers to it in an eloquent line which is destined to live to the end of time--"None knows it but to love it; none name it but to praise." — 25 likes
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